Friday, January 27, 2012

The Great White Shark

This is no ordinary shark. This is the most deadly in the world. It is fast as well as deadly by its bites and vicious. This shark is really big and is a predator to many animals also humans.  Sharks are normal dangerous but not this one.  It is even more dangerous.

Great White Sharks are also known as mindless killing machine.  This shark   have many names.  Have you ever wanted to see a great white shark? Well you better see it in the zoo.Some are WHITE DEATH, WHITE POINTER, GREAT WHITE, AND WHITE SHARK. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Bossy Bobcat

What is a bobcat? Is it a cat or and person named BOB? Nope.  This cat isn't ordinary it is  wild cat.  Many bobcats are brownish red with white.  Bobcats are found all over the place of the United States.  Bobcats got their name because of their tail because it appears to be cut or bobbed .  So it makes scene bobcat.

  Fierce hunters, bobcats can kill prey much bigger than themselves, but usually eat rabbits, birds, mice, squirrels, and other smaller game. Bobcats can eat a rodent to deer.  Amazing that they hunt and kill their prey. Bobcats are the most fierceness  and can be very dangerous.

See the amazing Seals

Seals are small creatures that depend on other thing for there living like fish and other stuff.  Seals are found near the Antarctic to tropical waters.  Seals also feeds on shellfish and crustaceans.  Seals have strong flippers and can swim really fast.  Many are in trouble. Orcas feed on seals because they are marina animals.  Seals have large and round eyes so they can see both in and out water.

 Seals have an excellent smell to find there prey and their predator.  Seals are good both in and on water. These animals are warm blooded and have thick fur to survive in the Antarctic .Seals can weigh up to 5 tons so they are very heavy.  These animals give birth to pups and then grow up to find their ow food.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Meet the Killer Whale

Have you ever heard of the orca whale? If not look at the title. Yes the orca is also called the killer whale.You see the killer whales are dangerous  to penguins and many other creature and some are found near the South pole. Killer whale are related to dolphins. Orca whales share the same traits as dolphins in many ways.  The are fast and as intelligent as they are.  Orca whales are much larger and usally win the fight against the dolphins.

 Youy might be asking what they eat.  Well of course they feed on dolphins but they also eat other things.  Orcas also feed on squid, fish, birds, and other marina animals.  Many of them gather into groups to find there prey.  Well you might be thinking that orca are mean and nasty. Well now they are endangered