Friday, December 16, 2011

The Armadillo

I would like to tell you about the bear but I have something else in my mind. I was thinking of doing the armadillo. This animal is the weirdest animal I ever seen in my life.Armadillos have a leathery armor shell to protect them.  This animal can roll into a ball. It is really amazing. This animal is the best I have ever seen. Their average length is about 75 centimeters. The best part about this animal is that there is 20 different species. 
    There is one species which is the nine - banded armadillo that is  primarily  found in the southern central states, like Texas.  Armadillos are prolific diggers with sharp claws. Armadillos have the body temperature of 34 degrees Celsius or 93 degrees Fahrenheit. Did you know that armadillos have poor vision but large eyes? This is really weird because of the fact that one would think large eyes would give a better image as opposed to a poor one.  This animal is endangered and therefore needs to be protected.

For information on armadillos click on the links below:


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Furious Cheetah

The Furious Cheetah 
             What is the fastest land animal on earth? The lion, the pumas? NOPE!!! It is the Cheetah. This speedy animal is the fastest land animal on earth and the animal of prey. It feeds on other animals like the zebra, deer, and etc. This carnivore can outrun the lion and tiger. Man, this is a really fast animal. Watch out you don't to race this or get near it, It might take a bite from you.

      About the Cheetah

            You might think that the cheetah runs about 50 m.p.h to 60 m.p.h. NOPE!! You are wrong it runs more than 70 m.p.h. The king cheetah is a rare mutation of cheetah characterized by distinct fur pattern. Cheetahs are usually found in Africa and Asia.The cheetahs are vicious and that is why the are half way to extinction.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Amazing Alligators

 Meeting the Alligator

Have you meet the notorious bone crushing machine? Well you will meet it now. We all fear of the alligator. Alligators are know as a living fossil from Mesozoic Era. They are carnivorous which means they are meat-eaters. They live in lakes and camouflage as logs so they can act to surprise attack on their prey.
alligator eating a fish

About the Alligator
Alligators are large, semi-aquatic carnivorous reptiles with four legs and a huge leg. Once they were listed endangered species, American alligators have recovered and are common in many places in the southeast. Fish are an important food source for alligators.They mainly eat that because they find fish a lot in water. The alligators as you can see they are a crushing machine. 

basking gator

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Heaviest Land Animal

The Mighty Elephant

What is the world's largest land animal? If you guessed the elephant you are wrong! Just kidding. So many animals are scared of the elephant. The Lion, Tiger, and the Cheetah. They are scared because the elephant might step on them while running. The elephant is not the largest animal in the world, the Blue Whale is.

About the Elephant

Elephant eats a lot to have energy. Mammoths are the ancientness of the modern day elephants.  Elephants are a symbol of wisdom in Asian cultures and famed for for their memory and intelligence, where their intelligence level is thought to be equal to that of dolphins and primates. The word "elephant" has its origins in the Greek meaning "ivory. The Asian elephant, is smaller than the African.