Friday, December 16, 2011

The Armadillo

I would like to tell you about the bear but I have something else in my mind. I was thinking of doing the armadillo. This animal is the weirdest animal I ever seen in my life.Armadillos have a leathery armor shell to protect them.  This animal can roll into a ball. It is really amazing. This animal is the best I have ever seen. Their average length is about 75 centimeters. The best part about this animal is that there is 20 different species. 
    There is one species which is the nine - banded armadillo that is  primarily  found in the southern central states, like Texas.  Armadillos are prolific diggers with sharp claws. Armadillos have the body temperature of 34 degrees Celsius or 93 degrees Fahrenheit. Did you know that armadillos have poor vision but large eyes? This is really weird because of the fact that one would think large eyes would give a better image as opposed to a poor one.  This animal is endangered and therefore needs to be protected.

For information on armadillos click on the links below: