What is the fastest land animal on earth? The lion, the pumas? NOPE!!! It is the Cheetah. This speedy animal is the fastest land animal on earth and the animal of prey. It feeds on other animals like the zebra, deer, and etc. This carnivore can outrun the lion and tiger. Man, this is a really fast animal. Watch out you don't to race this or get near it, It might take a bite from you.
About the Cheetah
You might think that the cheetah runs about 50 m.p.h to 60 m.p.h. NOPE!! You are wrong it runs more than 70 m.p.h. The king cheetah is a rare mutation of cheetah characterized by distinct fur pattern. Cheetahs are usually found in Africa and Asia.The cheetahs are vicious and that is why the are half way to extinction.